Wednesday, 22 August 2007

Annu Malik: Mard (1985)


One for those of you who like Bollywood music as produced in the mid 80s. I don't much, although 'Mard' [review] [2] is far from the worst I've heard. Best track is 'Sun Rubia Tumse Pyar Ho Gaya', cool for it being all over the place, and admittedly 'Will You Marry Me' puts a grin on my face when I hear it – other than that, it's a soundtrack not really for me. Still have to post it though :-)

Track listing:
1. Shabbir Kumar & Chorus: Maa Aherawali
2. Mohd. Aziz & Chorus: Mard Tangewala
3. Asha Bhosle & Annu Malik: Will You Marry Me
4. S. Janaki, Ketan Desai, Amitabh Bachchan, Annu Malik & Sharon Prabhakar: Sun Rubia Tumse Pyar Ho Gaya
5. Asha Bhosle, Mohd. Aziz & Chorus: Hum To Tambu Mein Bambu
6. Shabbir Kumar: Buri Nazarwale


  1. When attempting to load this page from the RSS feed, using my Opera Browser, I was given this warning - judging from the previous problems you've had, I thought you'd want to be alerted to it:

    "- The server's name "" does not match the certificate's name ";*;*". Somebody may be trying to eavesdrop on you."

    DivShare is working the same today as it did yesterday, which is to say, squirrely, but I do want this post because I don't get to hear Annu Malik very often!

    Sharon Prabhakar is Canadian, I think... North American at any rate. She appears to have emigrated to Mumbai and became a singer and composer for filmi. I don't think she did much playback singing however - just sang tunes she'd written herself. One I remember, and have in my file shares someplace, is a tune called "Love's Reflection" from a film called "Love in Canada."

  2. Anyone else having these problems? Either with RSS's or downloading? Might be the 'hidden link' thing that's screwing up the latter... Litgrey, if it fails, email me and I'll give you the direct link to see if that helps.
    PC x

  3. Is there something wrong with Sun Rubiya Song . It sounds weird

  4. Weird in what way? Just downloaded it myself, and it sounds ok here...
    PC x

  5. I just finally now got divShare to give me the files. Took long enough. Internet Explorer never even got me that far, and I didn't get to your blog VIA RSS with IE, only with Opera.
    Haven't heard the files yet, so I can't verify if anything sounds weird on "Sun Rubiya Song."

  6. Hmm. I'm on Safari; both uploading and downloading is working fine so far. Tried Opera and Firefox; no RSS warnings. (Haven't tried IE, it's not Mac compatible). So I have no idea where the problems lie... sorry :-(
    But glad you got it in the end :-)
    PC x

  7. PC said...

    Weird in what way? Just downloaded it myself, and it sounds ok here...
    PC x


    That song alone sounds like it has been ripped from a different source like a radio. I am not sure if its only my ear. Other all songs sound v v good.

  8. Ah, I was afraid it might be skipping or something... but yeah, it does sound a bit compressed, like it was recording in the 70s or something... all ripped from the same LP and at the same time though.
    PC x

  9. Just catching up on all your posts and wanted to say thank you so much. I love music, and am always curious to learn. I've been fascinated by Bollywood soundtracks for a while but had the problem of a) the cost of them b) not having a clue what to buy anyway! So your site is an amazing grounding and a hugely enjoyable education.
    And Divshare is great and works perfectly (on PC/Firefox).

  10. thanks a lot for all the great music. Do you still take requests? If so, can you see if you have "Chor-Police" , "Karz", or "The Burning Train." I just saw this page on a good hip hop DJ's vinyl collection and it featured a lot of bollywood LPs in it. Check it out:

  11. Haven't got Chor-Police I'm afraid. I have Karz; I'll post that at some point shortly(ish), ditto with Burning Train - although you can actually find that particular title on El Reza's blog (see links)
    PC x

  12. New download:
